is a complex amalgam of where we’ve been. More so than where we are going, which is only an idea.
Movement - that seems to be the defining feature of living humans. Stop moving and you’ll soon be committed back to the elements.
Ideas like their hosts, move and sometimes, manifest as tangents of energy that ripple the world ahead.
Some ideas fanning over the landscape of my time become “substantial”.
Gaining coherence, focus, and resolve,
like my father, these ideas
mark their passage with more than a signature.
Dox4all™ converges virtual encounters with disease management leveraging the mobile phone platform, on-line payment, and patient-directed health care to create undiscovered dimensions of ‘patient engagement’.
Our SiteAsthmaniac™ distills an asthma disease management method from the Dox4All™ paradigm, putting patient-specific asthma information, lung performance assessment, clinical evaluation, appointment access, asthma response planning, and prescription refill requests in the palm of the patient’s hand.
Our SiteWellivery® delivers an optimized patient scheduling and payment portal that effectively connects virtual health providers with their patients in support of greater health.
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